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News, Technology in Education

Listen Up: New Accessibility Features Released in Visible Body Suite

Accessibility features make it easier for more users—including disabled users—to learn and teach with Visible Body Suite. By increasing the number of ways users can engage with VB Suite, Visible Body is making the app easier to use and accessible to ...
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Instructor Case Studies, Biology, Technology in Education

Teaching High School Bio with Visible Body Suite: An Interview with Kristin Cowell of Nashoba Regional High School

I recently sat down with biology teacher Kristin Cowell, who shared some of the insights and roadblocks she’s encountered in the classroom. Kristin ...
Technology in Education

How Online Learning Is Thriving in 2023

The Visible Body team recently joined more than 800 higher education professionals who develop online learning that is effective, enjoyable, and ...
Technology in Education

Why Do Librarians Love Visible Body Suite?

Libraries connect students to the resources and tools they need to succeed in the classroom and beyond—resources like Visible Body Suite. Over a ...
Technology in Anatomy Education, Technology in Education

Making Anatomy & Physiology Fun: Some Studying Tips for Students

Here at Visible Body, our goal is to provide apps to students that allow them to better understand human anatomy and physiology with stunning visuals ...
Lesson Plans, Technology in Education

At the Heart of Adaptation: A Comparative Anatomy Lesson Plan

Let’s get straight to the heart of the matter: here is a lesson plan based on the webinar below, delivered by the amazing Dr. Cindy Harley of ...
Lesson Plans, Technology in Education

10 Creative Uses for Flashcards in Visible Body Suite

Visible Body Suite contains thousands of 3D models just waiting to be made into virtual Flashcards! In this blog post, we’ll go through ten different ...
Technology in Education

K-12 Funding Guide: Bring Visible Body to Your Classroom

Are you an instructor who’s excited about Visible Body’s products and looking to get your colleagues and administrators on board? Generating interest ...
Technology in Education

Your Guide to LMS Integration with Visible Body Courseware

It’s been estimated that a whopping 73.8 million people worldwide use learning management systems (LMS) to teach and learn, and for many instructors, ...
News, Technology in Education

Have You Seen Visible Body Suite’s New Menu?

We’ve upgraded Visible Body Suite’s menu! Why change the menu inside Visible Body Suite? The redesign was made with students, instructors, and ...